Biomechanics 101: What is it, and how does it improve human lives?

Chris Hill Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biomechanics and Neuromotor Control
NIU Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education 

What is Biomechanics and how does it impact us in our everyday lives?

Biomechanics is applying our knowledge of motion derived from physics to a living system, like the human body. This field makes substantial contributions to medicine and health, human and animal movement and performance, and prosthetics. Many aspects of our daily lives interact with or are informed by biomechanics. We see biomechanics at work in sidewalks we walk on, cars we drive and how our phones are designed.

What are some of the different concepts and content students learn about when they study biomechanics?

Students learn primarily about kinematics (i.e. how the body moves) and kinetics (i.e. what causes our body to move). We look at these two concepts in a variety of settings. For instance, we can evaluate what makes some athletes jump higher than others or we can see how shoes influence how fast you run. Moreover, we can also use this knowledge to help people rehab from injury or disease.

What interested you in studying biomechanics?

I was drawn to biomechanics because it allowed me to pursue science, but not lose that direct connection with people. Biomechanics itself is a human-driven science. It is about improving the lives and performance of human beings directly. That is a powerful motivator for those interested in human flourishing.

What are some of the different careers students who study biomechanics go on to work in?

There are a lot of avenues you can purse in the field of biomechanics. For instance, you can work in athletic performance, helping athletes reach their highest potential. You could work for Nike and design shoes for high caliber athletes. You can also work with patients suffering from injury and disease and help them rehab back to normal life. Experts in biomechanics can also work on movie sets doing motion capture for big budget films. And a personal favorite of mine is that you can work with pets, like dogs and horses, and help them get better!

What’s something you’d like all people to know about biomechanics?

Biomechanics is a field that hasn’t gotten a lot attention and is not as well known. However, from the shoes that you wear daily to the athletes you watch on television, the study of biomechanics had a hand in giving you that product or experience. Importantly, biomechanics helps people, and it improves their quality of life.

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